Page name: X-men Rp Smut Giveaway 2013 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-01-07 07:12:42
Last author: Duredhel
Owner: Duredhel
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X-men Rp Smut Giveaway 2013

1. We have a sign up list here, people decide which of their chars they want to participate (one per player) and add it to the list.
2. I roll two chars on the list randomly. If one character has already been picked, I roll again.
3. I do porny sketch/drawing of the characters randomly rolled out. (If we get two girls or two guys, I'll only draw it if both players are ok with it).
4. If any player has ONLY underaged characters and wants to sign them up, they can but they'll be represented as adults.
5. If anyone who is participating has issue with any other characters participating, or anything in general, feel free to PM Figgs or me.

So have at it!

Sign Ups;

1. Sasaiya (with her scars please!)
2. Lire
3. Daniela
4. Kiora
5. Faro

1. Mihir
2. Rene
3. Anthony
4. Justin
5. Tim

Pair 01!: Kiora and Tim! -
Pair 02!: Lire an Anthony! -
Pair 03!: Daniela and Mihir! -
Pair 04!: Faro and Rene! -
Pair 05!: Sasaiya and Justin! -

Back to X-men RP

Username (or number or email):


2014-01-05 [Duredhel]: :> Sneak peek of the next one;

2014-01-05 [Flisky]: *fans self* Yep. These are getting better.

2014-01-05 [Evolution X]: porn, pornity porn porn.

2014-01-05 [CuteCommander]: May the smut be with you

2014-01-05 [The Past]: Wow! Great angle... in both senses of it, hehe.

2014-01-06 [The Black Goat]: its beautiful ^^

2014-01-07 [Duredhel]: Onto the next one :O, Dani & Mihir is done;

2014-01-07 [The Past]: Hope that's not Xavier's desk :O

2014-01-07 [Evolution X]: and if it is....

2014-01-07 [Duredhel]: >> Dani wouldn't. She's a good girl.

2014-01-07 [The Past]: Sigh, they're going to have to resew those buttons on, tsk tsk

2014-01-07 [Figgy]: Dani has a peen in her hoo-hah. Not so good anymore.

2014-01-07 [The Black Goat]: my fave by far lol

2014-01-07 [Flisky]: That's couple... ^_^

2014-01-08 [Duredhel]: Glad you guys like it XD.
No idea what to do for the pose in Rene + Faro.

2014-01-08 [The Past]: I'm sure Rene has some ideas, heh

2014-01-08 [The Black Goat]: up against the wall, him sitting with her on his lap, him using the other talents he has (because a real gentleman always lets a girl go first ;D) or my favorite doggy style ^^

2014-01-08 [Lirerial]: Mmmm up against the wall?? Bondage?!?!

2014-01-08 [The Black Goat]: kinky lol does rene like to be tied up and smacked around lmao

2014-01-08 [Lirerial]: Hahaha hmmm maybe, or he could be into candles, or chocolate body paint. Lol I can go on and on

2014-01-08 [Figgy]: ....

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